Application Essays
Questions & Answers

"What types of essays do you help with?"
We help students write essays for prep school, college, and graduate school applications.
"How many sessions will we need to write an essay?"
Typically a student and a tutor will meet for 3-5 one-hour sessions to draft, revise, and finalize a college or graduate school essay.
"Where do the students and tutors meet?"
We meet at a variety of locations depending on the needs of our students including at public libraries and in students' homes. We also use virtual meeting options as necessary.
"How much does it cost to hire a tutor?"
Depending on the experience, subject, and availability of our tutors, the hourly rates for our writing support services range from $55 to $120 per hour. In cases where financial hardship exists, we are happy to offer payment plans and discounted rates.
"How do I get started?"
Call, email, or text us! We are happy to talk through options for your student.
Student Testimony
Message from Tara, April 2018
I was grateful to be able to support Alicia as she prepared her personal statements for PhD programs. I recently received an email from Alicia that included the following words which have been copied with permission.
"I just wanted to thank you once again for helping me with the personal statement that I submitted to PhD programs! I was fortunate enough to be accepted into 9 PhD programs. ​At each school that I interviewed with I met with 5-6 faculty members in one-on-one interviews where they asked me about my research experience as well as my interest in graduate school. Quite a few of the faculty members that I met with brought up my personal statement and commented on how they loved the descriptive first paragraph and felt my excitement about research jump off the page. In addition, one of the program directors said that my personal statement stood out among all of the other applicant personal statements. I was thrilled to hear this feedback and wanted to thank you for pushing me to make my personal statement the best that it could be!"